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Who We Are
Our Curriculum
Admission Process
Meet Our Community
We are a Bay Area independent school community founded on diversity, inclusivity, and lifelong learning. At Mark Day School, each student, faculty and staff member, and parent and guardian is known. There are many ways we celebrate individuality, honor differences, and come together, from twice-weekly all-school assemblies to Kindergarten and 8th grade buddies to parent/guardian gatherings. Learn more about our community from the people who know it best.
My students exceed my expectations, especially when they demonstrate how much they care about learning about my culture and the Spanish language. I’ve experienced a “learning exchange” at our school because I learn from students and colleagues on a daily basis.
I’ve loved the 9 years my kids (and family) have spent at Mark Day. I’m grateful that my kids have gotten the best possible education in a caring and fun environment and I’ll never forget being part of the South Africa delegation.
The best decision my parents ever made was sending me to Mark Day School. I joined in 5th grade and I remember being awed with the intellectual curiosity that my classmates and faculty exhibited. High school and college seemed easy after the foundation I developed at Mark Day!
We love the compassionate, caring, and thoughtful teachers at this school who really take the time to get to know each child. To us, Mark Day School is not just a school but a community that works together to nurture active, curious learners.
What’s Happening?
The cyclical nature of gratitude magnifies its positive effects, allowing us to forge stronger relationships grounded in kindness and compassion. This mindset is valuable for everyone—both children and adults. Learn about the benefits of fostering a gratitude practice with your child.
At Mark Day School, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) isn’t a buzzword—it’s a core part of how we help our students grow into thoughtful, resilient, and connected young people.