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Strategic Plan

The 2022 Strategic Plan defines the areas of inquiry and action for the next several years. The strategic planning process in education is an essential part of being a great school. Student voice, agency, and challenge lead the way, and we will take steps to advance these central elements in work with every constituency: students, teachers, and parents and guardians. Deepening and expanding our integration of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice forms another pillar of our work, with a focus on cross-cultural collaboration and our local and global reciprocal partnerships. Shaping our structure and campus to meet the evolving landscape for independent education in the Bay Area will be a third area of concentration, with significant areas of inquiry to explore. Underpinning all of these elements will be the effort to continue to build and nurture the team of faculty, staff, and administrators who lead this work with students, now and long into the future.

Read more about Mark Day School's mission and philosophy.