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Board of Trustees

Mark Day School, like most independent schools, is governed by a Board of Trustees. The board consists of members nominated and elected by its membership. No member represents any particular constituency, but rather the institution as a whole. Board members are elected to serve based on their commitment to the school and the expertise they bring to the Board.

The Board of Trustees is the guardian of the school’s mission. Its work is to think far into the future. It is the Board’s responsibility to ensure that the mission is relevant and vital to the community it serves and to monitor the success of the school in fulfilling its mission.

The Mark Day School Board committees include Advisory, Finance, Development, Governance, Site, and Campaign Steering. Subcommittees within the Governance Committee include Trustees, Risk Management, DEIJ, and Audit; the Finance Committee includes an Investment Subcommittee to monitor the endowment and the Board’s investment policy. The Board forms other committees on an as-needed basis (e.g., Strategic Planning).

Read about the Board's latest work in our Strategic Plan.