8th Grade Arts
Seventh and 8th grade students experience arts and creativity instruction through our Arts Elective Program. Classes meet twice a week and are designed to encourage student creativity, personal growth, and discovery. Students are grouped in mixed-age, specialized, small classes based on their preferences from a wide range of offerings. Some examples include line dancing, paper making, sculpture, ceramics, water color painting, musical theater, improv drama, stand up comedy, song writing, band performance, electronic music composition, doo-wop ensemble, photography, printmaking, woodworking, video production, guitar and ukulele ensemble, coding, sewing, Mark Day TV on-camera reporting and media production, drumming, yearbook, and designing and building a full-size, working “escape room” puzzle activity. Offerings change every based on emerging ideas, classic favorites, and student interests. Students take three electives each year, and we work to ensure they have their first choice at least once a year. At the end of each elective cycle, students share their learning or perform for each other and the wider community at our Elective Expos in November, March, and June.
- 8th Grade